Monday, April 19, 2010

You just know this guy has a tiny penis

While the imagine of the back of this truck is interesting enough (as is the fact he is parked in a handicapped space which, IDK, I just can’t help but want to call BS on) the license plate is also of interest here. Someone in the comments section already picked this up, so I paraphrase:

Meaning of the 14CV88 vanity plate number:

CV "Sons of Confederate Veterans" plate."88= HH or, Heil Hitler (H=8)

14" refers to the 14 "white words" - 'We must secure the existence of our race and a future for our children.'"

Now, this can all be a very interesting coincidence (oh how I would love a better close up of the other bumper stickers! I just know they are filled with some real gems) and coincidences are the spice of a conspiratorial mind. Regardless: WTF. Furthermore, I am just so sick of so-called ‘real American’s using a NYC event to wrap up their racist ‘patriotism’. A guy like this would normally have nothing to do with multiethnic and racially diverse New York. In fact, I would suspect that deep down inside, a guy like this is happy we were attacked. After all, a large number of those killed at the WTC weren’t ‘real Americans’. So, to that, I add a ‘Go fuck yourself’ too.

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